4 ways schools use video game design to spark interest in computer science

Districts can hook students with existing enthusiasm, helping them build technical and soft skills while also broadening STEM diversity.


By Lauren Barack

Dec. 9, 2020

In the Lewisville Independent School District in Texas, video game design and programming courses typically get 200 students a year to sign up — but only about 150 can enroll. That interest, and the subsequent waiting list, is a sign of how eager students are for these courses that Technology Exploration and Career Center East Director Adrian Moreno, along with teachers Billy Carter and Kevin O’Gorman, shepherd in the district.

While most of these students may never have designed or coded a video game before, nearly all have held a controller or navigated a game, as 90% of children ages 13 to 17 play video games on a computer, game console or cellphone, according to the Pew Research Center.

That fact isn’t lost on the teachers at Lewisville ISD.

“In the 1960s, everyone wanted to be a filmmaker. In the 1970s, they wanted to study broadcasting, and video gaming is the current hot one,” O’Gorman told Education Dive. “Today, all the kids have grown up with the internet, wireless devices and streaming video. Here, they get their finger on how to create that world and want to make [games] or mess around with them.”

For districts looking to build more science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) connections into curriculum, game design and programming can serve as an immediate gateway by tapping into students’ interests, strengthening their connections to what they’re learning, and even build additional skills to help them in school as well as their professional life.

Students build foundational technical skills

In Lewisville ISD, students who get a spot in one of the classes work on top-of-the-line Macs and Alienware PCs — computers that professional game developers use. Classes also mirror, in some ways, how professional game companies work, too. For example, the students are expected to place some of their finished games into the hands of reviewers to get feedback on what works, and what doesn’t.

In Lewisville, reviewers come in a pint-sized form — the district’s kindergarteners.https://www.youtube.com/embed//hzkNqn4Zzh8

Students are tasked every year with designing an edutainment game, delivering a lesson in an entertaining way. They can choose the subject and the lesson they want to deliver, but when the kindergarteners get their hands on the games, they’re not just playing for fun, they’re giving feedback, said Carter. That way they can tell the high school students whether the games are too hard or too easy — and if they’ve actually learned something.

“After the kindergarteners leave, we sit and discuss their feedback,” said Carter. “As for the kindergarteners, the principals says the students look forward to it every year.”

Seeding STEM skills into elementary grades

While Lewisville ISD hands the role of video game reviewers over to its kindergarteners, the classes are for high school students. But video game design and programming can be taught to very young students, as well — a push staffers at New York Hall of Science are making, looking at how to engage elementary school students in building, creating and writing video games.

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The science museum, based in Queens, New York, holds summer classes, trains teachers and runs student workshops at schools. Typically, they’ve worked with middle and high school students, but are now “trying to engage younger audiences in these concepts,” said Anthony Negron, NYSCI’s manager of digital programming. The organization shifted to online during the pandemic, doing fewer programs.

Classes for younger students start with Scratch, a simple drag-and-drop programming language developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab. The first project with Scratch is to typically build a maze challenge, said Negron, which not only helps them learn the programming language, but gives them a project or goal rather than a set of rote lessons to complete. That proves to be more engaging, with a wide variety of projects produced in the end.

“We’ve seen kids use Scratch to build out the narrative of a story they’re reading,” he said. “And we’ve seen them use Scratch to build out games to address a community issue.”

Soft skills aren’t omitted

While the teachers in Lewisville are aware not every student will go on to be a video game designer or programmer, they believe the skills they learn can help them succeed in any work environment. These include soft skills like knowing how to write a strong resume or build a presentation, abilities employers state they want to see in young job candidates.

“We have business partners, and we’ve asked them if we are teaching students the right curriculum,” said Carter. “And one of the things they talked about was how important these soft skills were.”

Sharon Lambert, a teacher at Florida’s Dunnellon High School, also helps her game design and programming students develop soft skills. After piloting the courses several years back with free resources from the web, Lambert has seen Marion County Public Schools expand the program to where students can now take multiple courses and learn programming languages including PythonUnity and C-Sharp, in addition to other digital tools including Blender.

“I’m making sure that kids know there’s a lot more to game design than just playing a game,” she said. “And they may not realize that.”

While she wants students to master these professional tools, she also wants them to leave with soft skills so they’re not just fluent in how to code a game, but how to navigate a professional work environment.

“Games and programs are not built by one individual usually,” she said. “It takes a team, and learning how to work on a team is an important skill that students learn. From … communication, time management, integrity, organizational skills and others, soft skills are important to them so they can be able to compete and function successfully in the job market.”

Gateways to broadening computer science diversity

Video games not only tap into students’ interests, they can also help bridge excitement for computer science classes. Yet while most teens have played a video game, most high schools in the nation don’t have computer science in their curricula, said Jake Baskin, executive director of the Computer Science Teachers Association in Chicago, Illinois.

But for those schools looking to use video game design and programming as a gateway to new CS courses, Baskin said they should be clear about what the courses will entail — both to students who want to sign up, and to the educators about what they want to convey.

“It’s important that video game development does not mean free range to play video games as much as you want,” he said. “When video game development is taught in a way that includes vigorous [computer science] education, that’s a wonderful way to ensure students engage in high-quality content.”

Baskin also believes game design and programming courses can give schools and districts an opportunity to think intentionally about equity and inclusion, ensuring they’re welcoming all students, as women and students of colors are historically “dramatically underrepresented in CS courses,” he said.

And where districts have been “thoughtful from the start,” Baskin said, there’s been increased engagement in CS courses and also increases in young women taking AP exams in computer science, as well.

“I think there are opportunities to integrate [computer science] in almost any curricula,” he said. “And for principals who say they don’t have funding, I would ask them to think creatively where they have resources, and where they can be integrated.”

3 Ways to Integrate Computer Science in Other Classes


Students can develop computer science skills starting in the early grades—even without a computer—in project-based learning and other units.By Jorge Valenzuela September 9, 2020

Child making paper plane at table

Wavebreakmedia Ltd UC84 / Alamy

Computer science (CS) isn’t just a school subject or a class, but a set of skills that teachers can integrate into other academic areas so students get a sense of how broadly applicable it is. CS topics are interesting and interactive, and they teach kids to think computationally, which helps them acquire skill sets required for many valuable computing jobs.

If you’re new to CS and computing, here’s the skinny:

  • Computers impact every field, and CS is the discipline that makes computers possible.
  • CS includes topics that can lead to occupations in data security, programming, information ethics, information privacy, cloud computing, and software engineering.
  • According to Code.org, computing jobs are the number one source of new wagesin the U.S., and data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that computer and information technology occupations are growing at a rate far higher than the average for all other occupations. The field is projected to add over 500,000 new jobs by 2028.

Those attention-grabbing statistics make a good case for teaching CS. Here are three ways to intentionally integrate essential and fundamental CS topics and skills into your upcoming lessons.


The communication protocols that make the internet possible are credited to electrical engineer Robert Kahn and computer scientist Vinton Cerf, but despite how much we rely on the internet, many of us don’t know where it came from. Truthfully, we don’t really need to—but everyone should know how it works.

Teachers can help students discover the inner workings of the internet by having them build computational artifacts (anything built by a human with a computer) that need to be accessed via the web. Some examples of computational artifacts that students can produce include web pages, programs, images, podcasts, and video presentations—all of which can be created in any class.

To help students learn more about internet connections and creating their own webpages, activities from the Unplugged Internet Unit and Web Development Unit (both from Code.org) can be adapted in tandem with this rich video library.

Here are some good prompts and student questions to help you and your students get started with a CS project. Driving questions for student projects:

  • How can we develop an app that is useful for others and can be accessed on the internet?
  • How does internet infrastructure work, and how can we contribute to its continued growth by delivering it to those who don’t have access?

Key student questions:

  • How do texts, pictures, videos, and emails get sent from one person to another?
  • How do independently operated networks work and communicate, and how do we access them?
  • How are Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and the Internet Protocol (IP) fundamental to communication on the internet?
  • How is binary information shifted on the internet?
  • Who controls and regulates the internet, and how?


“App,” the shortened, colloquial term for “application,” is used with respect to both computer and software programs. Although most of us use it to refer to programs on our smart devices, it applies to programs designed for any hardware platform.

Kids are typically taught coding through tutorials, using step-by-step instructions. Unfortunately, this approach often results in them not fully comprehending core coding concepts and how apps are developed. It also leaves many of them uninspired to continue learning CS.

By requiring students to develop apps of their choosing, teachers can leverage the power of the App Lab environment for getting both CS newbies and knowbies started creating apps that are relevant to their wants and needs and that are shareable with others.

Some examples of relevant information students can deliver to others through apps include:

  • Covid-19 symptom tracker
  • Restaurants that offer curbside service
  • Local grocery store locations and schedules
  • Locations for peaceful demonstrations
  • Volunteering opportunities

I like using the App Lab tool because it adjusts to the varied levels of my learners and helps simplify app development through rapid prototyping, block- or text-based coding, building interactivity—via buttons, dropdowns, etc.—and using databases. It also allows them to share their final products with others.

Code.org also created this video playlist of other activities students can do for gaming and collecting data for analysis (e.g., surveys and ratings or comments). Many of these can be integrated as a major student product into several of the vetted projects in the Buck Institute for Education’s project-based learning library.


Algorithms are very important in CS because they tell computers what to do using a set of sequential steps. Examples include Google searches and many functions of websites. App developers and programmers also use algorithms as the building blocks for efficient and bug-free programs.

A great way to teach kids about algorithms is to have them become more intentional about the algorithms they use in their daily lives, such as making their favorite dish or getting ready for school. For many learners, this is how computational thinking (CT) for problem-solving is enabled. CT is a prerequisite skill for many of the computing jobs forecasted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Luckily, instructional approaches like project-based and blended learning can serve as vehicles for teaching CS fundamentals because they allow students to perform authentic tasks that help them apply algorithms, first through unplugged scenarios and then in digital ones.

Here are some unplugged lessons and activities to incorporate into projects to get kids started using algorithms:

As your students’ capacity to use algorithms increases, more complex activities for algorithms and programming can be integrated into your project-based learning units.

My experiences in CS have taught me that it takes determination, know-how, technology tools, practical strategies, and patience to develop the right expertise. But I believe the road to CS mastery is achieved more quickly when learners master the above-mentioned fundamentals and guiding principles.

When you integrate CS into your students’ academic workflow, you enhance their opportunities and even create ones they might not have known existed.

Getting Girls into Computer Science


February 2019 | Volume 76 | Number 5
The Tech-Savvy School Pages 10-11

Turn & Talk / Reshma Saujani on Getting Girls into Computer Science

Reshma Saujani is the founder and CEO of Girls Who Code, a nonprofit dedicated to closing the gender gap in technology education and careers by introducing girls to computer science and coding in after-school and summer programs. GWC has reached 90,000-plus girls in all 50 states. Saujani is author of three books, including Brave, Not Perfect (Crown Publishing, 2019).

What is the mission of Girls Who Code—and why is it crucial to close the gender gap in technology?

Our mission is to close the gender gap in tech, plain and simple. Computing is where the jobs are and where they will be in the future, but fewer than one in five computer science graduates are women, and women make up only about 20 percent of the computing workforce in the United States. That means that the people who are creating the technology we use every single day aren’t representative of all of their users. Not only that, we’re missing out on half of the possible innovations and ideas that we could be seeing. It’s time to make sure that women are included in the jobs that are creating our future.

You’ve said that when you would visit schools as a speaker, you’d see few girls in computer science classes or robotics teams—yet for your first Girls Who Code groups in 2013, demand was strong. Why do you think girls weren’t signing up for CS in schools?

There’s a huge gap between the numbers of girls taking CS classes in schools and the demand for our programs—and it has everything to do with a sense of belonging. Back when computer science was just getting started, women were on pretty equal footing with men in terms of representation. But when it became clear that computers were where the power—and the money—were going to be, women were pushed out. We started seeing only men and boys in our movies and TV shows about technology.

Fast forward to the early 2010s and you’ve got 30-plus years of girls being shown that they don’t belong in those classrooms. You can’t be what you can’t see—and it’s hard to be the only girl in a room full of boys! We’ve heard from so many of our alumni that Girls Who Code gave them a chance to feel like they could try and fail without feeling like the world was ending, like they could raise their hand or give an answer they weren’t sure about. It’s through these gender-specific spaces that we can offer girls a space to experiment and learn to love computer science—and then change the world.

Would it be good for schools to have some girls-only options to learn computer science and coding?

We believe it’s hugely important to give girls gender-specific spaces to learn code. This way, they can focus on learning to code, rather than questioning whether they belong or whether they’ll succeed.

How do you present and teach coding in Girls Who Code groups?

Our curriculum is project-based, so girls are able to plug into the activities and learn to code by doing. They might be making an app about fashion or a website about climate change. Whatever they love, they can do something good with code. We’ve brought the power of coding to 90,000 girls across the United States—and it’s working. So far, we have about 13,000 college-aged alumni of our programs, and they’re choosing to major in computer science and related fields at 15 times the national averages. We’re building a pipeline from elementary school through college for girls to enter and thrive in the tech field, and we couldn’t be more excited to see what the future holds for them.

If you could recommend one change in how coding is presented in elementary grades, what would it be?

One of the best ways to spark girls’ interests at a young age is by showing them that girls do code, and they have done some pretty incredible things. We incorporate our women-in-tech lesson plans into our Girls Who Code Clubs curriculum to show girls that women like Grace Hopper, Ada Lovelace, Ayanna Howard, and so many others have made a difference using technology. And it’s easy for teachers to bring that same resource into their elementary and middle school classrooms because we’ve made the lesson plans free on our website (https://girlswhocode.com/women-in-tech-lessonplans/).

Having helped 90,000-plus girls explore coding and do projects applying it, what have you discovered about how girls—in general—approach coding?

I think that girls really want to change the world! When they’re learning how to code, our girls will pick projects that make an impact in their communities and help people. Andy and Sophie created an app called Tampon Run to raise awareness about menstruation issues and break the taboo for girls. Michelle and Cassandra built an app that offers resources for preventing sexual assault. Maya and Lucy created a website to bring awareness to the water crisis in Flint, Michigan. When you teach a girl to code, she’ll absolutely change the world.

Editor’s note: This interview has been edited for space.